Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine day

Soon, is valentine day, and there are many people are going to confess or date with the one they like, or love. Well, wish those who are going to confess sucess and goodluck.

Talking about valentine days, make me think about problems related to love. I have friends who are suffer in pain or who know someone suffer in pain of love and they often tell me. Some is suffer in the pain of break up with their lovers, some is suffer in loving a person who already in a relationship, or other problem... Actually love equals to believe. Before in a relationship, you will believe that you like that person and you believe that person like you too, in a relationship, you will believe that the person won't betray you no matter what happen. Sometimes, break up happens due to the word "believe".

"believe" is really an important word that everyone must remember. Well... people will say: " Shouldn't believe in other exept yourself", it is true BUT, sometimes, try to believe in other people, and be a person who can believe.

For those who are fallen in love with those who are already in a relationship, please don't be the "3rd person", because this only will make 3 of you suffer in pain. Maybe you will meet someone is better one day! So, try to let go... This is quite pain and also hard to let go at first...try to think of "His/Her happiness will be my happiness", I think this will reduce the pain....

These are just my own opinion, you may agree, also may deny it, this is just an opinion of mine.

Anyway, once again, wish everyone a happy new year and happy valentine day!