Sunday, December 12, 2010

A little opinion about my future xD (but is kinda lame..= =)

Lately I have been thinking about how will my future be?? Someone had suggested me to do some jobs which can earn money, not just follow what I think. After I listened to this, I had think a lot. Here's a question, if you like to play violin or other instrument like piano, and you aim to be a violinist (or pianist or perhaps... the conductor! xD) in an orchestra (not famous) which can't earn too much, then someone told you to choose a better job which may earn more money but you may not have much interest in it. So, which will you choose?? Well, a smart person will choose the 2nd one which is with more payment, and so my mom and brother said.

Just a moment, I was thinking to work in some office until I am old, but I feel so lifeless (ok, I admit my current life is already counted as lifeless life, said by my friends...). Life is so short that may even ended so sudden, so I hope I could make my life more colourful (?).

I start to think about some jobs that is danger such as police, CSI, detective and also lawyer (for criminal case), extremely "colourful"! Conclusion is: My mom not allowed, except for lawyer. Next, something that is free (not work time), means I need not to stay in a room looking on my computer (for work not play) or paperwork like a stewardess, photographer and jobs like that... Conclusion: I can't marry. How about singer? I was asking myself, but how to get in a singing company and what if I am not famous? Too much of question... So I just put that as my 2nd or 3rd option. After few days or weeks (can't remember clearly), I was thinking of being a psychologist and will take courses related to music like psychology of music.

Settle everything now, I can help people also can study music~! Why I want to be a psychologist? Well, that's because I am happy when I look someone is happy especially when someone is happy because of me. Also, I know the feeling of having some mental problem, like... the most normal problem, overwhelmed with stress. I wish I could help people so I will just choose this. xDD

*Caution: Here's the lame part*
Oh well, no one's knows their future so I will just let it be~~ xDD