Saturday, May 7, 2011

Random topic: Love?? and Music~~

Ok... I am just an ordinary teenage girl who will talk about love and even fall in love (what!!??). Ok, ok! I know is an odd thing for me to talk about this kind of topic as for those who knows me well knows I am a person who love to fight, anime hardcore, GazettE lover, lifeless (....- -), love music so much~! and is...a bit violence??!! And I feel kinda... heart break as I think of him... Why? Oh well, I will explain why.. just please DON'T ASK WHO IS HIM!!! >< and don't you dare to ask a single word about this....(then... WHAT ARE YOU WRITING THIS FOR!?)

First of all, almost everyone says love in secondary school is just puppy love, don't take it easy and stuff like that. Then is, find someone who is older than you. Next is, don't find someone who is same age as yours and much more... Done... everything is just sound... so against on me.. and to add on, he doesn't know this, and he doesn't really talk to me... So I will just forget him and look in front. Yes... I have to forget... so concentrate on my study...

Talking about study, just reminds me my piano...yes... I have my piano exam on July or August, I still don't know when is the actual date and I hope it will fall on Friday, as Friday is the final school day for a week. Well, I just have few words for this exam: "I am doomed..." yes.... I already stop practicing my exam pieces and scales.... oh my GOSH! HOW THE HELL SHALL I SURVIVE FOR MY TEST!!!?? Oh well, I will just pretend I am sick and absent for it~ (DON'T YOU DARE!)

Haiz... stress... with lots of stuffs... In school, I feel like I can't make my friends laugh or smile... is really sad ... I even cry for quite a long time... at house... well I shouldn't talk about anything about this so I will just skip this part and move on to the next point. Study, talking about study, makes me wanna say:"Oh my~~ Gosh~!!" and "Woah~~ What the hell~!", I think need not to say much about it already. Last but not least, my favourite part, piano and violin~!! I love to play my piano, but I hate scales and scale book... T.T tears drop.... violin.... I stopped already... but I love violin so much same as the love I have on piano, just like it is as important as my friends' life... Well, I will just listen to some songs and dance crazily and also have some HEAD BANG TIME!! ... ok... that's all...- -

Once again, my deepest gratitude to everyone who read my blog.. (: *bow down*