Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last exam week

Day 11
Worst day ever..... Physic paper 1 and 2..... my mind totally blank while my hand was moving itself (!? Horror movie!?)... I have no idea what I was answering.... and the worst part is, I run out of time to finish my paper 1 T_T I have no hope for my physic.... I have a feeling that I will fail my physic this time....

Day 12
Wednesday, which is TODAY!! >w<~~ Yes!!! I AM SO DAMN HAPPY!!!!!!!! FIRST OF ALL IS! GAZETTE'S NEW SINGLE 「VORTEX」FINALLY RELEASED AND I GET TO DOWNLOAD IT FROM INTERNET!!! (Don't ask me why but I can't find their cd in Popular, MPH or anywhere I go [Sunway and IOI]....T_T I don't think they sell in Malaysia..) I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR TODAY FROM THE FIRST DAY I HEARD THE PREVIEW!! (which is about.... 3 weeks ago...??) THEN! TODAY IS MY FINAL DAY HAVING MY EXAM!! Ok, let me make things clear, I still have my exam tomorrow, but is PSK and PJK which apparently I DON'T CARE about, so I just act that there is no exam tomorrow already! YES! I AM ALREADY IN HOLIDAY MOOD!! I FEEL SO HIGH!! >w<