Monday, May 16, 2011

Exam week 2

Day 7
Judgement day!!! 'Yes! Today is Additional Mathematics..... and I have plenty of question which I don't know how to do and I just simply did them.... 0-0... which I lost almost..erm... 14 - 20 marks....I guess... for only paper 1! Can you imagine that?! xDD then my paper 2... lost almost....well, around 10 marks... :D (P.S: My question 3a) in paper 2, I just tembak the equation and left half hanging.... b) and c) is totally BLANK!! xDD And, I am quite sure that my question 4 are all wrong...) Ha ha.. almost everyone was smiling to each other before exam, wishes each other good luck, or:" Ha ha, let's die together.. xDD" or something like that, lot's of different kind... (And there was actually one person wishing teacher good luck for.. erm, I don't know.. xDD); after exam, some (I am one of them) still maintained their smile on their face, saying :" Ha ha! Do you know how to do? No, right!? Which question? Oh that! Ya, I also don't know, high 5!" or something like that... What we know is: We are dead for our Add Maths xD (and so on...=.= )

Day 8
Chinese...... a ha ha ha.. unexpectable hard.... done (what...!?) Ok ok! is not yet done! The paper 2 was so hard.... ok, done. (WHAT!?)

Day 9
Biology... ok... was... not that hard... but not that easy... Or should I say... there are some easy question which I know the answer and I answered wrong...?? T^T bye bye ...for my bio.....

Day 10
Chemistry paper 3... Oh well, one word... is WAY MORE EASIER THAN PAPER 1 AND 2 ! HA HA!! but.... if I got less than 20 marks for this paper.... I will be dead then...... I am relying on the marks of my paper 3 so....

ok... I am really very lazy to type every thing out already..... xD